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Kollaborate Help


By default, team members will only receive a digest summarizing recent changes to the project a few times a day. To get instant alerts, you need to use Subscriptions.

Subscriptions are a way of telling Kollaborate what you are interested in and it will notify you instantly whenever subscribed items are modified.

There are three types of subscriptions:

Project subscriptions

Subscribing to a project will alert you to every change within the project. When you are subscribed to a project, you will no longer receive the digest email.

To subscribe to a project, go to the Projects page and right-click the project. Then click Subscribe.

To unsubscribe from project, go to the Projects page and right-click the project. Then click Unsubscribe.

Note: Creating a project will automatically subscribe you to that project.

File subscriptions

Subscribing to a file will alert you to every change to that file.

To subscribe or unsubscribe to a file, click the file on the Files page to go to the player page and then click the Subscribe button below the player to toggle it on and off.

Note: Interacting with a file (such as uploading it or commenting on it) will automatically subscribe you to that file.

Task subscriptions

Subscribing to a task will alert you to every change to that task.

To subscribe or unsubscribe to a task, click the task on the Tasks page to go to the task view and then click the Subscribe button at the top of the page to toggle it on and off.

Note: If you are the task's owner or assignee you will automatically be subscribed to the task.

Disabling automatic subscriptions

Automatic subscriptions are switched on by default but can be disabled from your Profile page.